20 Amazing Homeschool Quotes to Encourage & Inspire You Today

As homeschool parents, we all need a little encouragement and inspiration. Sometimes it’s a hug from a child that’s had a particularly rough day, or a smile from another homeschool mom at the park date. These simple things lift our hearts and remind us we’re doing the best we can and that we aren’t alone on this journey. Here are 50 Amazing Homeschool Quotes to lift your spirits today!

Homeschool Quotes

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“When we embark on a hard adventure with our kids, we must make sure our kids know we believe in them. This not only helps them to believe in their own ability to conquer the challenge but also knits their hearts with ours as we rise to the challenge together.”
― Greta Eskridge, Adventuring Together: How to Create Connections and Make Lasting Memories with Your Kids

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“You will not reap the fruit of individuality in your children if you clone their education.”
― Marilyn Howshall

“Once I realized we didn’t need to recreate the traditional classroom, and that we could customize our kids’ education, I discovered a new type of freedom.”
― Kent Larson, 12 Homeschool Myths Debunked: The Book for Skeptical Dads

“You can homeschool whether you loved school, hated school, or were somewhere in the middle.”
― Kathy Oaks, Homeschoolers Are Not Hermits: A Practical Guide to Raising Smart, Confident, and Socially Connected Kids

“So, I have to ask: why are you letting other people define what normal is for your child? Why are you letting people you don’t trust to educate them dictate what limits they should live within?”
― Rebecca Frech, Teaching in Your Tiara: A Homeschooling Book for the rest of Us

Successful teaching is not head-to-head; it is heart-to-heart. – Tamara L. Chilver

To have a more effective home education, I realized I needed to abandon the trappings of school and harness the energy of home. I dropped my allegiance to the sacred “school schedule.” Instead, I adopted the more forgiving “home routine”. – Julie Bogart

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I hope you found some inspiration, encouragement, and hope in these quotes! What’s your favorite homeschool quote?

About the Author

A picture of me, the owner of Chaos & Wine, with a variety of ingredients on a wooden table.

Hey! I'm April, the owner of Chaos & Wine!

I can't wait to share all my family's favorite recipes and a few random thoughts as a mom!

So let the chaos settle, grab a glass of wine and relax with me or join me for a little chaos in the kitchen!

You can find out more about me here!

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