With the rise in homeschooling and being a homeschool family ourselves, I thought I would share some of my favorite homeschool blogs you should be following!
I can spend all of my free time, which sadly isn’t much, reading blogs about homeschooling methods, tips, tricks, and all the things! I get inspiration, advice, and encouragement, and absolutely love reading curriculum reviews.
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Why Read Homeschool Blogs?
There are so many free resources available through these fabulous bloggers from printables to planners to unit studies and humor! Not to mention it’s a great way to keep up with all the different ways to homeschool, new curriculums, and methods!
So if you’re looking for some insight, a new printable, or just some light reading – read on for my favorite homeschool blogs to follow! However, if you prefer a book to read head over and check out my Best Homeschool Books for Mom. You can also read more about what we use for our 2nd grade homeschool year!

HHM Home – Hip Homeschool Moms

Read-Aloud Revival

The Waldock Way

The Homeschool Resource Roadmap…

Homeschool of One

Confessions of a Homeschooler

Tinas Dynamic Homeschool Plus

Hifalutin Homeschooler

Year Round Homeschooling

I Can Teach My Child

Do you have a favorite homeschool blog? Let me know in the comments so I can check it out!
And if you need a little inspiration and encouragement read 20 quotes for homeschool moms!
Be sure to follow my Homeschool board on Pinterest too!
Great list. I’m in always on the fence about homeschooling. It’s not something we do with our two just now but it’s one of those things I would never rule out. If my child was really struggling at school or I felt homeschooling would be better for them at any time then I would definitely do it. So I love yo keep an eye on home school resources incase! There’s also so many activities that are fun to do with your kids to teach them during the holidays too. My kids love playing at home school with me during the summer! Geeky I know!
Nothing geeky about it at all! We, as parents, are our kids first teachers after all! I’m not one of those people that feels homeschooling is the only way to go either! Two of my kids go to an excellent charter school! Homeschooling is amazing! And if you have questions feel free to reach out at any time!