Mother’s Day is a special day to celebrate the mothers in our lives, whether that’s mothers, step-mothers, grandmothers, or anyone else that fills the role of mother in your life. It is a time to show our appreciation for all that they do for us and to let them know how much we love them. Here are 120 Mother’s Day quotes to warm your heart!

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Mother’s Day Quotes
“A mother is the only person in the world who can love you more than you love yourself.” – Unknown
“A mother is the one who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Unknown
“A mother’s love is like a river, it flows endlessly and always provides for her children.” – Unknown
“A mother is the only person who can make you feel safe and loved no matter what.” – Unknown
Moms have the kindness of angels and the patience of saints. All the more reason to thank God for them. —Matt Gowen
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is Mom. —Keely Chace
Blessed are the moms, for they are the ones who bless everybody else. —Andrew Blackburn
God can be everywhere because he lives in the hearts of moms. —Bill Gray

Moms give us the blessing of belonging. —Megan Haave
A woman of faith with praise on her lips and joy in her heart… my beautiful mom. —Jeannie Hund
“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” – Cardinal Mermillod
“A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people promptly announces she never did care for pie.” – Tenneva Jordan
“A mother is a woman who feels that she must get up every morning even when she doesn’t want to.” – John J. Plomp
“A mother is the one person who can always make you smile, even when you don’t feel like it.” – Unknown
“A mother is the one person who will always believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.” – Unknown
“A mother is the one person who will always love you, no matter what.” – Unknown
“A mother is the most important person in the world.” – Unknown

A mama holds a child on her hip… and the world in her hands. —Amy Trowbridge-Yates
You don’t have to earn it or try to impress her… she loves you just ’cause she’s your mama, God bless her! —Diana Manning
Mama’s hands tend you when you’re tiny, guide you as you grow, fold in prayer as you find your way, and never let you go. —Jeannie Hund
Faith is the foundation of a strong, loving family and Mama is the cornerstone. —Renee Daniels
Mamas are proof that God is good. —Melvina Young
“A mother is a gift from God, and she should be cherished every day.” – Unknown
“A mother is the best friend a child can have.” – Unknown
“A mother is the most beautiful person in the world.” – Unknown
“A mother is the strongest person in the world.” – Unknown
“A mother is the most amazing person in the world.” – Unknown
Behind every woman is another strong woman. —Tina Neidlein
Mother’s Day is for women who do exactly what you do best: Love. —Valerie Stark
Here’s to the women whose lives have inspired us and whose love has changed us. —Amy Trowbridge-Yates
Some women just have that extra something: extra room in their heart, extra places at their table, and extra time for the people they love. —Suzanne Berry
Mother’s Day is for every woman who holds nothing back… who gives her heart, soul, and energy to those she cares about and still finds a way to love them more every single day. —Andrew Blackburn
Mother’s Day is for celebrating the nurturers, the givers, the huggers and helpers, the day-makers and life-changers… and that’s just what you are! —Keely Chace
“A mother is a miracle worker.” – Unknown
“A mother is a superhero.” – Unknown
“A mother is a goddess.” – Unknown
“A mother is a queen.” – Unknown
“A mother is the best thing that ever happened to me.” – Unknown
“All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” – Abraham Lincoln
“A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty
“Being a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences a woman can have, but it’s also one of the most challenging.” – Sarah Michelle Gellar
“Every child needs a champion; an adult who will passionately believe in them, who will never give up on them, who will always fight for them.” – Rita Pierson
“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” – Rudyard Kipling
“I am a mother, first and foremost, and everything I do flows from that essential identity.” – Sarah Blakely
“If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.” – Margaret Mead
“It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.” – Bill Cosby
“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
“No one else in the world can love a child as much as his or her mother.” – Princess Diana
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” – Honore de Balzac

“The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.” – Henry Ward Beecher
“The power of a mother’s love is like nothing else in the world.” – Maya Angelou
“The woman who can bear to think of her child going out into the world unprotected has a soul as large as the universe.” – George William Curtis
“The world needs mothers who are more concerned with turning out children of character than with turning out children of intellect.” – William Thomas Stead
“The greatest gift that a mother can give her child is her unconditional love.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Being a mother is the most rewarding experience in life.” – Michelle Obama
It takes a lifetime to truly appreciate all the ways a good mom makes all the difference. —Ellen Brenneman
Motherhood is tough. Moms are tougher. —Keion Jackson
When I grow up, I want to be just like my mom… beautiful. —Amy Trowbridge Yates
Of all the people who pour sunshine into our days, moms are the best. —Keely Chace
Smiles and hugs, joy and love… that’s what great moms are made of. —Paige DeRuyscher
Moms just know… How to help. How to heal. How to listen. How to love. —Bill Gray
M-O-M is just another way of spelling LOVE. – Keely Chace
Show me a messy house and I’ll show you a really fun mom. —Ellen Brenneman
Sign you’re a mom: You know there’s no greater sign of trouble than silence. —Melissa Woo
A mom holds it together. Some days with tape and glue and safety pins, but she holds it together. —Keely Chace
Moms give us wings to fly and rides to the ER when we don’t understand what a metaphor is. —Andrew Blackburn
How does a mom do it? With patience. With deep, cleansing breaths. With imagination. With caffeine. With all the help she can get! —Keely Chace
A mom’s job is to feed you, clothe you, and make you afraid to touch anything. —Allyson Cook
When a mom loses her mind, she can be pretty sure her teen took it. —Suzanne Heins
You taught me that smart is beautiful. —Melvina Young
Great women raise great women who raise great women. —Jennifer Fujita
Moms and daughters. The best kind of girlfriends. —Katherine Stano

A parent’s job is to lift their daughter up so that one day she will rise on her own. —Catherine Hollyer
Mothers and daughters, connected by heart right from the start! —Paige DeRuyscher
When your daughter is also a good friend, you’re one lucky mom. —Renee Daniels
A daughter who follows her dreams is a mother’s dream come true. —Jake Gahr
Make a rule that anyone who touches your stomach has to rub your feet as well. —Jennifer Fujita
There’s something miraculous about becoming a mama. The more your baby grows, the bigger your heart gets. —Dierdra Zollar
I thought I had it all, then I became a mom. —Lee Franklin
It’s the little things in a mom’s life that touch her heart in the biggest ways. —Linda Elrod
Moms have the kindness of angels and the patience of saints. All the more reason to thank God for them. —Matt Gowen
Amazing women make amazing moms. —Diana Manning
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is Mom. —Keely Chace
Blessed are the moms, for they are the ones who bless everybody else. —Andrew Blackburn

God can be everywhere because he lives in the hearts of moms. —Bill Gray
Moms give us the blessing of belonging. —Megan Haave
A woman of faith with praise on her lips and joy in her heart… my beautiful mom. —Jeannie Hund
The world’s a warm and happy place where kids can play and grow— a place full up with snacks and hugs, ’cause mommies make it so. —Keely Chace
Nothing says “new mom” like a baby in a dry-clean-only sweater. —Jennifer Fujita
Let there be storybooks, cuddling, and laps. Let there be lullabies, blankies, and naps. Let there be hopes bright as stars up above. Let there be mamas and all their sweet love. —Jeannie Hund
Good moms grow great kids. —Dean Walley

Suggestions for Using Mother’s Day Quotes
There are many creative ways to use Mother’s Day quotes to show your appreciation and love. Here are a few suggestions:
- Print a quote and tuck it into a special card.
- Print additional quotes and enclose one in a gift or a card on any particular occasion.
- Add it to the inside of a new picture frame as a gift until she gets a chance to put a picture in it.
- Share a quote on social media and tag her.
- Send a quick text with a quote and let her know it reminds you of her.
- Send an unexpected email with a quote just to show you care.
- Write a quote on a sticky note and put it somewhere she’ll find it.
I hope you enjoy these quotes and that they help you to appreciate all that your mother does for you. Happy Mother’s Day!